We appreciate your comments, thoughts, and questions.
"Wow! What an experience! I truly appreciated the authenticity of the eavesdrop cafe. The stories were so close to home and the performers did an amazing job of connecting the audience to them.
I could personally relate to almost every character we met. I laughed, cried, and was provoked into deep (and/or silly) thought and reflection.
This was my second WHoS performance, and just like the first, it has left me with an excitement to see the next. Thank you to all the men and their supports for putting on such an unforgettable performance.
Well done!"
"The play started kind of loose and unstructured, which left me feeling a bit vulnerable as I tried to figure out what was going on.
But it worked! The casual comings and goings of the cafe staff and patrons allowed the intense short-stories to shine through in each of those we eavesdropped on. And, the openness and vulnerability it took to create around real feelings was rich and all the more accessible to me for having let my own guard down. Thank you.
The set was amazing, and the unique real and in-character personalities were so diverse — maybe I expected inmates to be sort of ‘all the same’? It was eye opening!"
"Really great theatre experience. Thanks to all that helped.
Great concept. Liked the nuances.
Hard work was obvious and the actors commitment to their acting and show.
"We loved Gus the cat, it was very effective to have a mystical element to provide levity to the more sensitive subject matter shared. We were really impressed by the set as well."
We now know who is WHoS. The Cat is out of the bag and it lives in Eavesdrop Cafe.
A delightfully rich and deeply moving experience. The hard work and talent of the WHoS' performers and supporting team created insightful and telling stories of life. Their perspectives and vulnerabilities speak to all humans. Take a drive out to the beautiful William Head location and immerse yourself in this passionate performance. A show not to be missed.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I know I said it yesterday but it bears repeating...the show was amazing. I absolutely loved all aspects.The writing. The different levels of reality.The characters. It was a perfect mix of humour and serious.
I was blown away by the bravery, courage, focus, and commitment that the men showed. I could feel a true ensemble on stage and off. At the Q&A I wanted to ask a question but knew that I would get too emotional so I stifled it. I wanted to ask... do you find creativity in general is something that should be encouraged and nurtured in any institutional setting and why. And what are you going to take away from this experience and maybe use in your lives going forward.
So thank you all for allowing me to witness this beautiful work that everyone created. Watching it I couldn’t help but think back to some forty years ago and how grateful I was that such generous people were able to shepherd me and others to learn about creativity and the role it could play in our lives.
Much gratitude and Much respect,
Patrick Keating
"Hello - I thoroughly enjoyed Eavesdrop Cafe last night - great work, very impressive.
Two questions:
I wonder if any of you are thinking of trying a career in theatre after this experience.
Where can I hear more of that music? The pieces playing while we waited for the play to start and during some of the cafe scenes were mesmerizing and I'd like to hear it again!
Many thanks."
"Loved the coffee shop scene and that it didn't changeas we can all relate. Cat was great! The question and answer period at the end is very special--so connecting--and very brave of the inmates to field unknown questions. Impressed that most of the actors were first-timers. The freedom song brought me to tears.I've been privileged to have attended a number of times before so took two friends who'd never been before--they want to know when the next one is happening--really enjoyed the night!
Look forward to inmates manning their own craft tables next time as have fond memories of chatting with them! There are no words for the human connection that can occur!"
"Dear Eavesdrop Café Actors,
My husband and I have been regular patrons of WHoS productions, and this year’s production once again exceeded our expectations. The attention to detail in this show was evident from the moment we walked in: the inspiring and thoughtful art displayed on the walls, the music being played, the lighting, and the incredible set with so many intricate details (a favourite: the “scratches” on the couch - loved that!).
Once the play started we were immediately pulled into the characters and stories woven into the play. The actors were brilliant: we could tell that each role had been carefully crafted, studied, and rehearsed and the product was excellent. Special shout-outs to the exuberance of Gustipher, the unifying presence of the Manager to hold all of the interconnected stories together and, especially, the heartbreaking and inspiring vulnerability of Casper (I’m so glad you ignored your reluctance and said yes to this opportunity, allowing Casper to be seen). Everyone in the entire cast and crew was phenomenal and integral to the success of the production as a whole.
My abundant thanks to the outside artists whose support was critical to this production. Your acting, guidance, and organization brought this production together. Thank you for contributing your immense talents to such an important program. You are changing lives.
I would also like to share my sincere appreciation and respect for the bravery and vulnerability shown by the incarcerated members of this production (both actors and crew). I know that many parts of the script and production included intensely personal, and probably difficult, personal reflections - thank you for sharing these important insights. I hope you found healing and reflection in this. I also understand that many of you were participating in a stage production for the very first time. Not only does it take courage to join something new (whether it’s to stand up on a stage in front of a crowd of strangers, or contribute in other ways to the complexity of a production of this magnitude) but it is equally courageous for each of you to even walk in the door of the first production meeting with a willingness to participate. I expect this was far outside of the comfort zone of many of you, but you did it. And you did it SO WELL. I’m sure that this profound experience has had such a positive impact on your lives. I hope that each of you hold on to this pride that you have for yourselves and one another as you move forward in your lives, knowing that you can always choose to walk through unexpected doors that lead to goodness in your own lives, and by extension spread this goodness to others in your community.
I am so proud of you all and wish you much love, health, happiness, health, forgiveness, and success in whatever you do next. Thank you for an incredible performance."
Saw the matinee show. So much fun. So we'll done. Yet serious. Thank you all.
Wow! What a great performance this afternoon at William Head Institute for the play Eavesdrop Café!
Congratulations to everyone who has been part of this.
It was so well done and acted!
It was my first time and it was very impressive!
I was delighted, impressed and very touched by the professional way everyone performed in the play!
The story and the way it was put on was very clever with a range of great effects, emotions and story lines.
I would go back in a heartbeat!
Thank you for this great experience
"Hi - I enjoyed the play this afternoon, Oct 28th, very much. The creativity in many areas was so delightful - like the ears and whiskers on the cat (well the whole cat costume was superb) - the use of music in simple ways was entertaining and very connective to the audience of many backgrounds. Audience participation is also fun. The art, the poems, the songs which were original - congrats.
Regarding feedback. I was not certain at the time about which show in a line of shows this one was, but when I heard the enthusiastic sharing by the cast I assumed it was early on, and actually wondered if the response would be as eager and sincere after a lot of shows. It was my driver (I was privileged to bag a front seat on the return trip!) who told me that you were well into the run, so I am impressed with this sincere sharing with enthusiasm and learning you are accomplishing each show. One of the people I went with was a kindergarten teacher (retired) and she was hooting with laughter with the "kids" and the indulgent actions of the father - obviously not an unknown situation for the beginning of a school year for her! So much of your show was poignant and related so well to the audience. Thanks very much to you all."
Hi folks.
Friends and I just returned from seeing Eavesdrop Cafe and I wanted to let you know that all 5 of us thoroughly enjoyed the performance. The heart and soul that each of the cast put into their performance was evident to all of us in the audience. Kudos to everyone! During the Q&A after the show, "Gus" was mentioned several times and he certainly was a favourite. The other character that my friends and I all commented on was "Joey". It was so hard to believe that Casper and Joey were played by the same person! Well done! Please pass our congratulations along to everyone.
Just attended the production of eavesdrop cafe , October 28th , absolutely loved it ! Myself and wife are overwhelmed by the passion from all who acted in the production , the individual performances were amazing !
Keep up the amazing work , I will be back and recommend to all I know to attend a show.
Thank you
I attended the performance "Eavesdrop Cafe" on October 21st. This was my first time and I enjoyed the play very much. The cast members seemed to enjoy themselves on stage which is nice to see. The question and answer time was a great idea. The cookies and beverages were such an enjoyable touch. Thank you.
I loved getting to see the WHoS play! I was very impressed by how funny the play was, but it also seamlessly included serious topics that were handled excellently. Great job to everyone involved, and I will definitely be back next year!
2019 and previous
“I loved the singing and all the harmonies, I really liked the rappers— very cool that they wrote that on their own. Well done!!!!” - Margaretha
“As I imagine it was a therapeutic experience to perform the show, it was therapeutic to witness and be a part of the audience. I was moved by the truth, vulnerability and humanness of the play. The courageous art making of the cast and crew has inspired me in my own creative life.”
“WELL DONE ! ! ! My only comment would be if the Q & A time could be extended. What valuable time for the actors to hear their well deserved accolades and for the audience to hear how this experience positively impacted the actors. Can't wait to see what you have in store for 2019 !” - Audience Member Cherie.
“The play itself was outstanding! Both tears and laughter, both hope and defeat. I was blown away by the band --they were excellent! Would you thank all of them once again on my behalf. It was a great night. We all enjoyed it and we’re still talking about it today. Thanks again.” - Al from the Dandelion Society
“Wow– Thank you to the cast and crew of WHoS for putting on such a memorable, engaging and hilarious production. The music and acting performances were top-notch. The entire company's passion and dedication to the creative process shines through. I hope to return again next year! Bravo WHoS!” - Audience Member Stephan
“I have seen almost every production WHoS has produced for the past 9 years. This program is vital because of the opportunities for growth which are presented in a way which supports free choice. I am proud to be a supporter of WHoS and value its contribution to our community.”
“I think WHoS is a very valuable project for both the inside and outside communities. It is a rare opportunity for prisoners to be involved in a cooperative, creative group program.”
“Incredible singing, music, dance and that beautiful sea creature puppet. It was an amazing and inspiring piece and I look forward to my next WHos show.” - Tess
“We all were just so blown away. The cast owned it. Bravo. You gave it huge heart and honoured so many important stories.” - Cam
“Saw HERE: A Captive Odyssey, and was very moved, a couple of times, to tears. It would have been no easy task presenting the subject matter the way you did, but you pulled it off wonderfully. The set, so simple, was beautiful in its simplicity. My husband and I stayed for the Q & A period and I, once again, was so moved by the insights and honesty of the men. I applaud their courage and openness. I always promote WHoS in my social circles and will once again wait, with anticipation, for the next show.”
- Audience Member
“It was clear in the Q&A that the performers had become more open and empathetic as a result of their work. They shared impressive reflections on place, history, culture, and the various themes explored in the production; I appreciated that it engaged honestly and directly with race, criminality, and power more generally. During the question period, someone in the audience explained that the play was not just transforming the performers but was transforming viewers on the outside as well. I completely agree.” - Audience Member
“I feel very privileged to have seen this year's production of "Here - A Captive Odyssey" twice. Each time I was drawn in to the story right from the opening song, with its compelling rhythms and harmony, up to the last scene. Every actor entered into his or her role(s) with conviction and focus. You brought the characters to life and in doing so created an incredibly moving production -- but not without humour. I loved the sheep!” - Audience Member
“Strong and intelligent writing, a production team both sensitive and professional, and performances that were emotional and evocative made the evening entertaining and thought provoking” - Audience Member
“Beyond my body~the song sung by the First Nation’s man still etches its way around my heart and weaves through my spirit! POWERFUL!!!” - Audience Member
“I loved both your humour and your poignancy. You taught me things I did not know about William Head; about adversity; about First Nation peoples; and also about prison life. Throughout the play, you reminded me that the past and the present always co-exist within each of us, and that transformation is always possible.” - Audience Member
“I loved the singing and all the harmonies, and the wee band near the end was so enjoyable. … I really liked the rappers— I thought their piece was very strong— very cool that they wrote that on their own. I also enjoyed the piece with the reading from the newspapers as a way to describe the racing onslaught of smallpox and its devastating effect on the FN community.” - Audience Member
“Congratulations to the "behind the scenes" people who put in so much effort and made the production a success. The time, dedication and practice this must have taken is unimaginable and I truly hope all the actors enjoyed the process of bringing this play to life as much as I enjoyed watching it. Well done cast and crew, I can't wait to see what you do next year!” - Audience Member
“I'm really glad that the audience was given the opportunity to ask the cast members questions and hear your take on the show.”
- Audience Member
“Would highly recommend this to everyone. It just sums up how exploring the arts can affect all - both the audience and those involved in the production. Be sure to stick around for the Q & A after the ending. The cast was so appreciative of the audience for attending and the feelings were mutual. Thanks to all for displaying such a creative process. Well done!!” - Audience Member
“Congratulations on a fantastic show! This was my first time attending, although I have intended to in previous years. I admit that I am not typically a theatre-goer, and my curiosity was largely due to the novelty of attending a show at a federal prison. I was not prepared at all for the calibre of performance that was delivered, and nearly a week later I am still telling everybody I know about just how good it was. I would normally keep one eye on the clock during a play, as I always feel they run a bit too long. It was the exact opposite with your production; I was so engaged the entire show that I didn’t notice the time pass and was genuinely surprised when it came to an end. Thank you sincerely for your hard work, and for allowing me the insight into the past and present of William Head, and each of your lives.” - Audience Member
“Thank you of creating a performance that was inspiring, surprising, caring, joyful, celebratory and engaging. Exactly what theatre should be.” - Audience Member
“I admire your courage for including aspects of your own present experience at William Head, which you did with artistic taste and human dignity. Please know that your work is a positive cultural contribution to our community, just as worthwhile for people on the outside reaching in as I understand it is for people on the inside reaching out.” - Audience Member
“As I imagine it was a therapeutic experience to perform the show, it was therapeutic to witness and be a part of the audience. I was moved by the truth, vulnerability and humanness of the play. The courageous art making of the cast and crew has inspired me in my own creative life.” - Audience Member
Dear cast and crew of "Here":
I have been coming to Whos productions since 1982 when I was first introduced to you by Dr. Barbara McIntyre who was so instrumental in developing the relationship between UVic and William Head. I really enjoyed the show then--and since but felt I had to write and tell you how much I saw of growth in this year's work. And work it was! Really beautifully presented with all the elements of theatre, music, dance and visuals. A great set and costumes and the delicacy, use and accuracy of the slide visuals and animations, the accompanying sound "track" of live voices and instruments, all added to the pleasure of the audience. I was particularly impressed with the ensemble work and the development of the actors' skills both vocally and in terms of characterizations. I also loved the whimsy of the sea monster and the explorers' ships--touches that really moved the audiences into different times and places. Congratulations, everyone. It was fine theatre, good to see so many familiar faces back on stage, and a great way to spend an evening out. Thank you.
Juliana Saxton, professor emeritus, Dept. of Theatre, University of Victoria.
"Wow! What an experience! I truly appreciated the authenticity of the eavesdrop cafe. The stories were so close to home and the performers did an amazing job of connecting the audience to them.
I could personally relate to almost every character we met. I laughed, cried, and was provoked into deep (and/or silly) thought and reflection.
This was my second WHoS performance, and just like the first, it has left me with an excitement to see the next. Thank you to all the men and their supports for putting on such an unforgettable performance.
Well done!"
"The play started kind of loose and unstructured, which left me feeling a bit vulnerable as I tried to figure out what was going on.
But it worked! The casual comings and goings of the cafe staff and patrons allowed the intense short-stories to shine through in each of those we eavesdropped on. And, the openness and vulnerability it took to create around real feelings was rich and all the more accessible to me for having let my own guard down. Thank you.
The set was amazing, and the unique real and in-character personalities were so diverse — maybe I expected inmates to be sort of ‘all the same’? It was eye opening!"
"Really great theatre experience. Thanks to all that helped.
Great concept. Liked the nuances.
Hard work was obvious and the actors commitment to their acting and show.
"We loved Gus the cat, it was very effective to have a mystical element to provide levity to the more sensitive subject matter shared. We were really impressed by the set as well."
We now know who is WHoS. The Cat is out of the bag and it lives in Eavesdrop Cafe.
A delightfully rich and deeply moving experience. The hard work and talent of the WHoS' performers and supporting team created insightful and telling stories of life. Their perspectives and vulnerabilities speak to all humans. Take a drive out to the beautiful William Head location and immerse yourself in this passionate performance. A show not to be missed.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I know I said it yesterday but it bears repeating...the show was amazing. I absolutely loved all aspects.The writing. The different levels of reality.The characters. It was a perfect mix of humour and serious.
I was blown away by the bravery, courage, focus, and commitment that the men showed. I could feel a true ensemble on stage and off. At the Q&A I wanted to ask a question but knew that I would get too emotional so I stifled it. I wanted to ask... do you find creativity in general is something that should be encouraged and nurtured in any institutional setting and why. And what are you going to take away from this experience and maybe use in your lives going forward.
So thank you all for allowing me to witness this beautiful work that everyone created. Watching it I couldn’t help but think back to some forty years ago and how grateful I was that such generous people were able to shepherd me and others to learn about creativity and the role it could play in our lives.
Much gratitude and Much respect,
Patrick Keating
"Hello - I thoroughly enjoyed Eavesdrop Cafe last night - great work, very impressive.
Two questions:
I wonder if any of you are thinking of trying a career in theatre after this experience.
Where can I hear more of that music? The pieces playing while we waited for the play to start and during some of the cafe scenes were mesmerizing and I'd like to hear it again!
Many thanks."
"Loved the coffee shop scene and that it didn't changeas we can all relate. Cat was great! The question and answer period at the end is very special--so connecting--and very brave of the inmates to field unknown questions. Impressed that most of the actors were first-timers. The freedom song brought me to tears.I've been privileged to have attended a number of times before so took two friends who'd never been before--they want to know when the next one is happening--really enjoyed the night!
Look forward to inmates manning their own craft tables next time as have fond memories of chatting with them! There are no words for the human connection that can occur!"
"Dear Eavesdrop Café Actors,
My husband and I have been regular patrons of WHoS productions, and this year’s production once again exceeded our expectations. The attention to detail in this show was evident from the moment we walked in: the inspiring and thoughtful art displayed on the walls, the music being played, the lighting, and the incredible set with so many intricate details (a favourite: the “scratches” on the couch - loved that!).
Once the play started we were immediately pulled into the characters and stories woven into the play. The actors were brilliant: we could tell that each role had been carefully crafted, studied, and rehearsed and the product was excellent. Special shout-outs to the exuberance of Gustipher, the unifying presence of the Manager to hold all of the interconnected stories together and, especially, the heartbreaking and inspiring vulnerability of Casper (I’m so glad you ignored your reluctance and said yes to this opportunity, allowing Casper to be seen). Everyone in the entire cast and crew was phenomenal and integral to the success of the production as a whole.
My abundant thanks to the outside artists whose support was critical to this production. Your acting, guidance, and organization brought this production together. Thank you for contributing your immense talents to such an important program. You are changing lives.
I would also like to share my sincere appreciation and respect for the bravery and vulnerability shown by the incarcerated members of this production (both actors and crew). I know that many parts of the script and production included intensely personal, and probably difficult, personal reflections - thank you for sharing these important insights. I hope you found healing and reflection in this. I also understand that many of you were participating in a stage production for the very first time. Not only does it take courage to join something new (whether it’s to stand up on a stage in front of a crowd of strangers, or contribute in other ways to the complexity of a production of this magnitude) but it is equally courageous for each of you to even walk in the door of the first production meeting with a willingness to participate. I expect this was far outside of the comfort zone of many of you, but you did it. And you did it SO WELL. I’m sure that this profound experience has had such a positive impact on your lives. I hope that each of you hold on to this pride that you have for yourselves and one another as you move forward in your lives, knowing that you can always choose to walk through unexpected doors that lead to goodness in your own lives, and by extension spread this goodness to others in your community.
I am so proud of you all and wish you much love, health, happiness, health, forgiveness, and success in whatever you do next. Thank you for an incredible performance."
Saw the matinee show. So much fun. So we'll done. Yet serious. Thank you all.
Wow! What a great performance this afternoon at William Head Institute for the play Eavesdrop Café!
Congratulations to everyone who has been part of this.
It was so well done and acted!
It was my first time and it was very impressive!
I was delighted, impressed and very touched by the professional way everyone performed in the play!
The story and the way it was put on was very clever with a range of great effects, emotions and story lines.
I would go back in a heartbeat!
Thank you for this great experience
"Hi - I enjoyed the play this afternoon, Oct 28th, very much. The creativity in many areas was so delightful - like the ears and whiskers on the cat (well the whole cat costume was superb) - the use of music in simple ways was entertaining and very connective to the audience of many backgrounds. Audience participation is also fun. The art, the poems, the songs which were original - congrats.
Regarding feedback. I was not certain at the time about which show in a line of shows this one was, but when I heard the enthusiastic sharing by the cast I assumed it was early on, and actually wondered if the response would be as eager and sincere after a lot of shows. It was my driver (I was privileged to bag a front seat on the return trip!) who told me that you were well into the run, so I am impressed with this sincere sharing with enthusiasm and learning you are accomplishing each show. One of the people I went with was a kindergarten teacher (retired) and she was hooting with laughter with the "kids" and the indulgent actions of the father - obviously not an unknown situation for the beginning of a school year for her! So much of your show was poignant and related so well to the audience. Thanks very much to you all."
Hi folks.
Friends and I just returned from seeing Eavesdrop Cafe and I wanted to let you know that all 5 of us thoroughly enjoyed the performance. The heart and soul that each of the cast put into their performance was evident to all of us in the audience. Kudos to everyone! During the Q&A after the show, "Gus" was mentioned several times and he certainly was a favourite. The other character that my friends and I all commented on was "Joey". It was so hard to believe that Casper and Joey were played by the same person! Well done! Please pass our congratulations along to everyone.
Just attended the production of eavesdrop cafe , October 28th , absolutely loved it ! Myself and wife are overwhelmed by the passion from all who acted in the production , the individual performances were amazing !
Keep up the amazing work , I will be back and recommend to all I know to attend a show.
Thank you
I attended the performance "Eavesdrop Cafe" on October 21st. This was my first time and I enjoyed the play very much. The cast members seemed to enjoy themselves on stage which is nice to see. The question and answer time was a great idea. The cookies and beverages were such an enjoyable touch. Thank you.
I loved getting to see the WHoS play! I was very impressed by how funny the play was, but it also seamlessly included serious topics that were handled excellently. Great job to everyone involved, and I will definitely be back next year!
2019 and previous
“I loved the singing and all the harmonies, I really liked the rappers— very cool that they wrote that on their own. Well done!!!!” - Margaretha
“As I imagine it was a therapeutic experience to perform the show, it was therapeutic to witness and be a part of the audience. I was moved by the truth, vulnerability and humanness of the play. The courageous art making of the cast and crew has inspired me in my own creative life.”
“WELL DONE ! ! ! My only comment would be if the Q & A time could be extended. What valuable time for the actors to hear their well deserved accolades and for the audience to hear how this experience positively impacted the actors. Can't wait to see what you have in store for 2019 !” - Audience Member Cherie.
“The play itself was outstanding! Both tears and laughter, both hope and defeat. I was blown away by the band --they were excellent! Would you thank all of them once again on my behalf. It was a great night. We all enjoyed it and we’re still talking about it today. Thanks again.” - Al from the Dandelion Society
“Wow– Thank you to the cast and crew of WHoS for putting on such a memorable, engaging and hilarious production. The music and acting performances were top-notch. The entire company's passion and dedication to the creative process shines through. I hope to return again next year! Bravo WHoS!” - Audience Member Stephan
“I have seen almost every production WHoS has produced for the past 9 years. This program is vital because of the opportunities for growth which are presented in a way which supports free choice. I am proud to be a supporter of WHoS and value its contribution to our community.”
“I think WHoS is a very valuable project for both the inside and outside communities. It is a rare opportunity for prisoners to be involved in a cooperative, creative group program.”
“Incredible singing, music, dance and that beautiful sea creature puppet. It was an amazing and inspiring piece and I look forward to my next WHos show.” - Tess
“We all were just so blown away. The cast owned it. Bravo. You gave it huge heart and honoured so many important stories.” - Cam
“Saw HERE: A Captive Odyssey, and was very moved, a couple of times, to tears. It would have been no easy task presenting the subject matter the way you did, but you pulled it off wonderfully. The set, so simple, was beautiful in its simplicity. My husband and I stayed for the Q & A period and I, once again, was so moved by the insights and honesty of the men. I applaud their courage and openness. I always promote WHoS in my social circles and will once again wait, with anticipation, for the next show.”
- Audience Member
“It was clear in the Q&A that the performers had become more open and empathetic as a result of their work. They shared impressive reflections on place, history, culture, and the various themes explored in the production; I appreciated that it engaged honestly and directly with race, criminality, and power more generally. During the question period, someone in the audience explained that the play was not just transforming the performers but was transforming viewers on the outside as well. I completely agree.” - Audience Member
“I feel very privileged to have seen this year's production of "Here - A Captive Odyssey" twice. Each time I was drawn in to the story right from the opening song, with its compelling rhythms and harmony, up to the last scene. Every actor entered into his or her role(s) with conviction and focus. You brought the characters to life and in doing so created an incredibly moving production -- but not without humour. I loved the sheep!” - Audience Member
“Strong and intelligent writing, a production team both sensitive and professional, and performances that were emotional and evocative made the evening entertaining and thought provoking” - Audience Member
“Beyond my body~the song sung by the First Nation’s man still etches its way around my heart and weaves through my spirit! POWERFUL!!!” - Audience Member
“I loved both your humour and your poignancy. You taught me things I did not know about William Head; about adversity; about First Nation peoples; and also about prison life. Throughout the play, you reminded me that the past and the present always co-exist within each of us, and that transformation is always possible.” - Audience Member
“I loved the singing and all the harmonies, and the wee band near the end was so enjoyable. … I really liked the rappers— I thought their piece was very strong— very cool that they wrote that on their own. I also enjoyed the piece with the reading from the newspapers as a way to describe the racing onslaught of smallpox and its devastating effect on the FN community.” - Audience Member
“Congratulations to the "behind the scenes" people who put in so much effort and made the production a success. The time, dedication and practice this must have taken is unimaginable and I truly hope all the actors enjoyed the process of bringing this play to life as much as I enjoyed watching it. Well done cast and crew, I can't wait to see what you do next year!” - Audience Member
“I'm really glad that the audience was given the opportunity to ask the cast members questions and hear your take on the show.”
- Audience Member
“Would highly recommend this to everyone. It just sums up how exploring the arts can affect all - both the audience and those involved in the production. Be sure to stick around for the Q & A after the ending. The cast was so appreciative of the audience for attending and the feelings were mutual. Thanks to all for displaying such a creative process. Well done!!” - Audience Member
“Congratulations on a fantastic show! This was my first time attending, although I have intended to in previous years. I admit that I am not typically a theatre-goer, and my curiosity was largely due to the novelty of attending a show at a federal prison. I was not prepared at all for the calibre of performance that was delivered, and nearly a week later I am still telling everybody I know about just how good it was. I would normally keep one eye on the clock during a play, as I always feel they run a bit too long. It was the exact opposite with your production; I was so engaged the entire show that I didn’t notice the time pass and was genuinely surprised when it came to an end. Thank you sincerely for your hard work, and for allowing me the insight into the past and present of William Head, and each of your lives.” - Audience Member
“Thank you of creating a performance that was inspiring, surprising, caring, joyful, celebratory and engaging. Exactly what theatre should be.” - Audience Member
“I admire your courage for including aspects of your own present experience at William Head, which you did with artistic taste and human dignity. Please know that your work is a positive cultural contribution to our community, just as worthwhile for people on the outside reaching in as I understand it is for people on the inside reaching out.” - Audience Member
“As I imagine it was a therapeutic experience to perform the show, it was therapeutic to witness and be a part of the audience. I was moved by the truth, vulnerability and humanness of the play. The courageous art making of the cast and crew has inspired me in my own creative life.” - Audience Member
Dear cast and crew of "Here":
I have been coming to Whos productions since 1982 when I was first introduced to you by Dr. Barbara McIntyre who was so instrumental in developing the relationship between UVic and William Head. I really enjoyed the show then--and since but felt I had to write and tell you how much I saw of growth in this year's work. And work it was! Really beautifully presented with all the elements of theatre, music, dance and visuals. A great set and costumes and the delicacy, use and accuracy of the slide visuals and animations, the accompanying sound "track" of live voices and instruments, all added to the pleasure of the audience. I was particularly impressed with the ensemble work and the development of the actors' skills both vocally and in terms of characterizations. I also loved the whimsy of the sea monster and the explorers' ships--touches that really moved the audiences into different times and places. Congratulations, everyone. It was fine theatre, good to see so many familiar faces back on stage, and a great way to spend an evening out. Thank you.
Juliana Saxton, professor emeritus, Dept. of Theatre, University of Victoria.